How To Become A Car Salesman With No Experience? (No Technical Skill Required!)

Last Updated on January 15, 2023 by Leepu Da Maxim

To become a car salesman without previous experience, it is necessary to develop certain skills that a good salesman has. These skills refer to good communication skills, the ability to get results under pressure, and the focus on the sales procedure. You can also learn some sales techniques that can be demonstrated in a job interview. 

Key Takeaways

  • If you want to become a car salesman then you should have at least a high school diploma or GED
  • You must have sales and marketing skills as well as strong communication and interpersonal skills to become a successful car salesman
  • Whether you need a license to become a car salesman depends on the rules and regulations of the state where you live or work

Tips To Become A Car Salesman With No Experience

Experience In Any Sales PositionGaining experience in any sales position is a great start to becoming a car salesman
Secondary Specific EducationThere is a lot of guidance in secondary education about economics and finance that is very useful
Communication Skills
Excellent communication skills are one of the main aspects of a car salesman
Sales Training
There are many courses and classes in sales, marketing, public speaking, and other similar fields
Post-Secondary Education A bachelor’s degree in marketing or business administration is a post-secondary education career that provides the greatest advantage

How To Become A Car Salesman?

Of course, before deciding to become a car salesman it is necessary to analyze this type of work in detail. Car sales work requires certain skills and a specific personality on the part of each salesperson. Even here the most important thing about this type of work is the ability to sell to each person.

So, people who do not enjoy making sales simply will not be able to enjoy this work. On the contrary, people who enjoy accomplishing goals by selling anything will have an excellent start in the career of a car salesman. This type of work also tends to offer a certain amount of money when it comes to the annual salary. 

1. Decide With Complete Information

As we have mentioned before, it is necessary to have very complete information about what it means to be a car salesman. Otherwise, every person who is interested in this type of work might find some aspect of it unpleasant. The same can happen with any type of work in other areas.

The career of a car salesman has certain characteristics beyond the dealership where a person works. Knowing all these details will allow each person to make a more accurate and appropriate decision.

Of course, having all the complete information prevents each person from wasting time by taking this job and then quitting. Today there are also some important books that any car salesman should read.

In the same way, a person will be much better prepared to know exactly what to expect when it comes to selling cars. Once a person has all the information about what it means to be a car salesman he or she can decide to become a car salesman. 

2. High School Training

There are different levels within the world of education to be able to train as a salesperson in general. In this sense, many inexperienced car salesmen may have some time of general sales experience. To get some sales experience, it is highly recommended to start training from high school.

The vast majority of high schools provide different techniques that are highly usable in the sales world. Some basic tools are found in economics courses and business fundamentals courses. So, this allows you to start forming a basic but solid knowledge of the world of finance.

Of course, knowing finance is basic to better understanding the world of sales. Additionally, communication skills can be developed with some theory and some practice. To gain experience and practice, a partial customer service or sales job of some kind is recommended.

Also, it is very important to feel comfortable in a professional environment and to meet new people regularly. Dealing with new people daily is an excellent exercise in developing communication skills.

3. Specific Training And Experience In Sales

Accessing a general or car sales booth is an excellent opportunity to start being an inexperienced car salesman. However, not every person has the opportunity to finish high school and access a car dealership immediately. However, it is possible to continue to make the most of your time with more training.

At the same time, in today’s world, it is relatively easy to access a retail position of some kind. In this way, a person begins to learn a set of sales techniques that can vary depending on the product or service. People who have a talent for a customer service position or good communication skills will be able to access a job with distributors.

That is why face-to-face communication skills are very important when it comes to having an advantage in these jobs. As the person gains experience in a sales position they will be able to continue their training. Here, it is advisable to take some classes in public speaking, finance, psychology, marketing, or sales.

Ideally, people have the opportunity to take courses at the Automotive Training Academy or the National Auto Academy. However, there are some good salespeople in many parts of the world who access training outside of these educational institutions. 

4. Getting A Contract From A Car Dealer

Of course, those who want to become a car salesman must work at a car dealership. All individuals who enter a car dealership must complete a certain training program. This training program must be completed by anyone regardless of whether or not they have sales experience.

In this way, the training program that is usually run by the car dealership aims to level the playing field for all new employees. Certain topics are typically included in these training programs. In most cases, the course will address many aspects of a car dealership’s business culture. Other important aspects are also learned here.

General operating systems, procedures, sales and customer service techniques, negotiation strategies, and characteristics of each car model are included as well. In this way, any car dealer has each of the tools necessary to make a large number of sales. Additionally, these salesmen are also prepared for any aspect of the sales procedure. 

When new employees have gone through the hiring and training process, they continue to work with an experienced salesperson. This facet is important because an experienced salesperson provides excellent collaboration to learn the important nuances and details of the job. Some car dealers offer more sales training.

In this case, there are some auto dealers that sponsor customized training or workshops for their staff through professional organizations. There may also be car dealerships that accept some applications for formal apprenticeship programs. All of these can be found at car dealerships regularly.

5. Getting A Car Dealer’s License

Licensing as a car dealer is not mandatory in all states. However, in some states, this document is mandatory. California is one of the states that has implemented the car dealer’s license. In these cases, car dealers who want to work in the field need to pay a fee. It is also important to submit a Department of Motor Vehicles application.

On the other hand, some applicants must pass a test when they are in Colorado. They must also submit a bond, complete a certain application, and finally pay the fee. So, becoming a car dealer may have some advantages and disadvantages depending on the state you are in. 

6. Ongoing Training

Getting a job at a car dealership doesn’t mean that the person can’t continue training. It is possible to find different types of training in some important institutions such as the National Automobile Association (NADA). In this case, it is an Academy that provides excellent programs for careers with a dealership. 

Among the 6 programs found here, a person can access consumer sales, fleet sales, department management, and operations, among others. Besides, the Dealership Management Academy at the same institution allows for the training of professionals who are ready for different aspects of general management. This is why classes in decision-making and financial analysis can also be included.

7. Post-Secondary Education

One of the last aspects that many people would like to consider is certainly post-secondary education. Many car dealers may be stuck at some point in their careers. So, for all of them who want to continue to move up to higher positions, they should consider some post-secondary education. 

Of course, it is sometimes possible to find promotions of car salespeople to managerial apprenticeships or management positions. However, this only happens in very special cases where each person demonstrates skills to qualify for these positions. In most cases, solid post-secondary training is highly recommended.

Many sales managers even have some degree in business administration, marketing, and the like. In these educational careers, it is possible to find some programs that include courses in statistical advertising and economics. This whole training process is really important for those who want to continue to climb the ladder of car salesmanship. 

On the contrary, this is not necessary for those who wish to become just inexperienced car salesmen. Apart from that, these careers allow a great jump and an excellent start to being an inexperienced car salesman. So, while it’s difficult, post-secondary education is highly recommended.
